Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Wave of the Future: Understanding Marshall McLuhan

This is a summary of Marshall McLuhan's work applied to understanding the past, present and future. It covers - the medium is the message, the medium as content, hot and cool media, our change from a pre-literate to literate to post literate society, characteristics of the post literate society, and the four laws of media. It will close with a discussion of the wave of the future.

The benefits of understanding this approach are that you:

• Will understand why our present environment is the way that it is
• Gain a greater understanding of the interrelationships of past, present and future.
• Will understand the influence of media on our perception, thinking and actions
• Will gain insight on the long term future.

Paul Schumann is a practicing futurist with expertise in creativity and innovation. He has lived long enough to see forecasts fail and succeed, including some of his own. He had a thirty year career with IBM in three very different arenas - as a technologist and technology manager in semiconductor technology, as an internal entrepreneur creating the first independent business unit within IBM, and as a cultural change agent developing a more creative and innovative culture. Since retiring from IBM he has 19 years of experience in consulting as a business futurist with programs in creativity and innovation. He is the founding president of the Central Texas Chapter of the World Future Society. And he is the founder of the Insights – Intelligence - Innovation Collaborative . He is on the advisory boards of the Marketing Research Association and the Austin Center for Nonprofit and community Based Organizations.

Introduction: The Medium Is the Massage

McLuhan on the information age:

McLuhan's Wake: National Film Board of Canada
McLuhan's Wake: Introduction

Web 2.0 (The Machine is Us/ing Us)

The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man, Marshall McLuhan, Beacon Press, 1951
The Gutenberg Galaxy, Marshall McLuhan, University of Toronto Press, 1962
Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, Marshal McLuhan (McGraw-Hill: 1964; MIT Press: 1994)
The Medium is the Massage, Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore, Jerome Agel, 1967
“The Playboy Interview: Marshall McLuhan”, Playboy, 1969
Four Causes of Reality, William Crews, Philosophical Library, 1969
Culture is Our Business, Marshall McLuhan, Ballantine Books, 1972
Media: The Second God, Tony Schwartz, Random House, 1981
The Alphabet Effect, Robert Logan, William Morrow & Co., 1986
Laws of Media: The New Science, Marshal and Eric McLuhan, University of Toronto Press, 1988
The Global Village, Marshall McLuhan & Bruce Powers, Oxford University Press, 1989
Essential McLuhan, Edited by Eric McLuhan and Frank Zingrone, Basic Books, 1995
The Medium and the Light: Reflections on Religion, Marshall McLuhan, edited by Eric McLuhan & Jacek Szklarek, Stoddart, 1999
Digital McLuhan: A Guide to the Information Millennium, Paul Levinson, Routledge, 1999
“McLuhan’s Wake”, National Film Board of Canada (video), 2002
The Wave of the Future: From Four Causes to Four Laws or McLuhan Re...”, Paul Schumann, 2005,

Other Resources
The McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology,
The Media Ecology Association,
A Model Media Ecologist, Bob Blechman,
McLuhan & Mailer, video,
The Medium is the Massage, Marshall McLuhan Audio,
Marshal McLuhan, the Man and his Message, CBC Archives,
The Official Site of Marshall McLuhan,
Marshall McLuhan, Wikipedia,
Digital Ethnography, Michael Wesch, Kansas State University,
Numerous McLuhan Videos on YouTube

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