Saturday, May 1, 2010


David Pearce Snyder, who coined the term "complexipacity", in his introduction to the special edition of On the Horizon on "Complexipacity", commented:

"I began to use “complexipacity” in the strategic briefings that I conduct. I started to ask my audiences – typically senior managers and executives – whether their decision-making environments had become more complex in recent years. (Essentially everyone agrees that it has.) I then ask if they think that daily life is becoming more complex. On this, there is always an immediate consensus; everything, they agree – from commuting to work to planning for retirement – is more complicated that it used to be.

Finally, I ask “How many of you have encountered a problem or situation that exceeded your complexipacity?” After a brief pause while the audience digests the new word, hands begin to go up around the room as people recognize that this term – one they had never heard before – actually describes their own unarticulated concerns. Once those misgivings were given a name, they immediately gained validity. Complexity emerged from the shadows of their subconscious to become an expressed concern. And, if growing complexity is a problem, everyone agrees, increased complexipacity would clearly be a good thing to have."

The contents of the special edition are:

Complexipacity, wisdom and education, Tom Abeles
1, 2, a few, and many, Paul Schumann
Higher education in management: reinventing the paradigm to gain the capacity to handle today's complexity, Keitiline Ramos Viacava,Eugenio Avila Pedrozo
Finding and reducing needless complexity, Eric G. Olson, Sara J. Moulton Reger, David S. Singer
On becoming more complex (and what to do about it), Thomas Owen Jacobs
The capability of young people, Sheila Rossan
Achieving complexipacity in schools, Wayne B. Jennings
Developing personal complexipacity, Richard G. Maynard
Fast adders: complexity and computer consequences, Tom Abeles
Book Review - Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right from Wrong, Tom Abels
“Complexipacity” What is it? Do we need it? Can we get it?, David Pearce Snyder

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